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10 Days in Vietnam
Updated 2012-04-13 14:08:45
On September 19, 2010, we, four faculty members of the Department of World Religions and Culture of the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, visited Viet Nam at the invitation of His Eminence Cardinal Thuong Tam Thanh, Chairman of the Sacerdoce of Cao Dai religion. We were led by Professor Dr. Kazi Nurul Islam, Founder and Chairman of the Department of World Religions and Culture. At Tan Son Nhat International Airport, Ho Chi Minh City, the cheerful hosts of the Caodai leaders from home and abroad greeted and welcomed us. They gave us a warm reception in a luxurious hotel of Ho Chi Minh City where we stayed for three nights and two days. Mentionably, Rev. Canh Tran, honorable president of Caodai Overseas Missionary, Washington DC, USA, Mrs. Canh and Mrs. Nguyen Ngoc Lan took the total care of our team. The tour became a reality because of Rev. Tran Canh’s unfailingly efficient and consistent efforts.

Special Seminar on “Kazi Nazrul Islam and Interfaith Harmony”
Updated 2012-04-13 10:29:44
(News from Dhaka, Bangladesh, June 1, 2011)
On the occasion of the 112th Birthday of Kazi Nazrul Islam, the National Poet of Bangladesh, the Centre for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue of the Department of World Religions and Culture of Dhaka University held a seminar on “Kazi Nazrul Islam and Interfaith Harmony” on May 25, 2011.
Professor Saumitra Shekar of the Department of Bangla and an active member of Religions for Peace (RfP), Bangladesh presented the keynote paper. Principal Pranab Kumar Barua, Vice President of RfP-Bangladesh and the Secretary General of Bangladesh Buddhist Cultural Propagation Society, Professor Hirendra Nath Biswas, Vice President of RfP-Bangladesh and the President, Bangladesh National Hindu Reformation Society; Dr. Marufi Khan, Principal Ispahani Girls’ College, Dhaka and Professor Fr. Tapan Camilus De Rozario, Vice President of RfP-Bangladesh and Director, Pontifical Mission Society of Bangladesh took part in the discussion.