Updated 2016-03-04 17:31:54

 (Tay Ninh Holy See, February 15, 2016 – By Grzegorz Fraszczak)
On the 15th of February 2016, at 10.00 am, Cardinal Thượng Tám Thanh presided at the ceremony of ordaining Deacon Trần Quang Cảnh (religious name: Thượng Cảnh Thanh) to the religious office of Priest (Giáo Hữu). During the same ceremony, three other Cao Dai followers were ordained - two males to the office of Deacon (Lễ Sanh) and one female to the office of Deaconess (Nữ Giáo Thiện).
According to the ordination service program, the Cao Dai believers and dignitaries gathered in the temple, and standing duly and respectfully in their places, prayed to God and divine Beings.
The Cardinal proclaimed and conferred the special religious ordinance, elevating Trần Quang Cảnh to the office of Giáo Hữu (Priest), Dương Quốc Khánh and Nguyễn Tấn Cường to the office of Lễ Sanh (Deacon), and Lê Thị Tuyết to the office of Giáo Thiện (Deaconess), exhorting them at the same time.
The newly ordained kneeled down in front of God and in front of Hộ Pháp’s altar praying to vow to fulfil their duties in accordance to Cao Dai religious laws.
According to the legal document no. 11/90/HT/VB issued on 15/08/15, after a special meeting of the Cao Dai Sacerdotal Council which takes into consideration the recommendation of Confucian Branch Principal Archbishop Ngọc Thưởng Thanh, it was commonly agreed and approved: Deacon Trần Quang Cảnh will be extraordinarily elevated to the rank of Priest (Giáo Hữu) and nominated as the Official Representative of the Cao Dai Sacerdotal Council Overseas. For many years, he is well-known as President of Cao Dai Overseas Missionary.
We would like to point out that Trần Quang Cảnh, on the 17th of June 2011, was extraordinarily promoted from the administrative position of Chánh Trị Sự to the Deacon office (temporally in the Confucian Branch). Later on, on the 5th of December 2012, he joined the Daoist Branch (the blue religious costume).